Update in February !

Hello Planet P0L-R fans!

I hope you are enjoying the current build of my little game but the game as you know it is changing in mid to late February with an update that I hope you will enjoy.

This update will contain:

1) A reworking of the current levels and the addition of more levels.

2) A start of a story and general world building.

3) An addition of a new boss and a reworking of the old boss.

4) A hub area where you can select levels more freely.

5) A saving and loading system.

6) Lots of bugfixes.

I hope you continue to enjoy Planet P0L-R.  I am working very hard on this update and I am pleased to tell you that there is even more content in the works for this game as well as new games that I am working on. I am still working in construct 3 but I am learning godot and might even move the development of Planet P0L-R to godot. 

Feel free to post bugs you find or suggestions for the update in the comments, I read all the comments so I will probably see your message.

I will be streaming the development of this update live on twitch so come join and get sneak peaks for the update: HallowdPlays - Twitch

In the mean time, Thank you so much for playing my games and I hope to create more games for you in the future.


Hallowd: Main Developer of Hallowd Games

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